Kanha National Park is one of the best parks in Madhya Pradesh where you can re-energize your soul with stunning activities in the jungle. The exquisite view is the reason behind many people’s craving for this place along with the wildlife. The best time to visit this park is very subjective and depends on the traveler's mood and choice. 


The weather in Kanha National Park is wonderful and its specialty lies in every detail. The ultimate time to visit Kanha is either between November and December or between March and April. These time slots are popular for spotting tigers and other wild animals in the jungle. Kanha is rich in biodiversity and its landscape is wonderfully arranged which is natural and manmade so getting over here results in making your trip vivid and passionate. 


Summer (April-June)

The climate of Kanha National Park is intense and the high temperature goes up to 43°C in the summer months. The temperature varies from 23 degrees Celcius to 42°C. However, this warm season is admirable for seeing wildlife as they do come off and on to quench their thirst. All in all tiger sighting is easier during this period and you will not compromise on other activities too of the jungle. 


Monsoon (June-September)

The monsoon in Kanha National Park is loaded with an abundance of rain. The park is simultaneously closed during this time of the year, from July to October. The road is also not in good condition so navigation is also obscure. It might be risky for travelers to be here during monsoon season. The reason it remains closed. 


Winter (November-February)

The chill weather of this place is unbearable since you can go through grazing lands that are often layered with ice. One must cover themselves with warm clothes and doing safaris are most exciting this time.